ASKA: All Crafting Recipes Lists

Shida |  Published: June 24, 2024

This detailed article will show you all the crafting recipes lists available in ASKA and all the materials needed for the crafted items.

Crafting is a fundamental aspect of survival in ASKA. From basic tools to advanced weaponry, knowing what you can create and where to create it is crucial for progress. This comprehensive guide breaks down all known crafting recipes across various stations in the game.

All Crafting Recipes Lists in ASKA

Before diving into the recipes, it’s important to understand how crafting works in ASKA. Most items are crafted at specific stations such as the Workshop Pit or Workshop Hut. Some basic items can be made directly from the inventory. As you progress and upgrade buildings, more advanced recipes become available. Here is the list of all the crafting recipes we got so far in ASKA. We will keep updating the list once we find more recipes in the game:

Inventory Crafting Recipes in ASKA

Inventory Crafting Recipes in ASKA
Sand Sailor Studio

These are the items that can be crafted on the go without a specific station:

Crafting RecipeMaterials
10x Wood ArrowStick x3
Feather x5
4x Berry BaitBerries x1
3x Fish Meat BaitRaw Fish Meat x1
3x Red Meat BaitRed Meat x1
5x RopeFiber x10
5x Stone BladeSmall Stone x10
Flimsy ClubStick x3
Feather x5
Flimsy Fishing RodStick x3
Rope x2
Flimsy ShieldStick x3
Bark x3
Rope x5
Flimsy ShortbowStick x2
Rope x1
Simple Spiked ClubStick x5
Resin x3
Bone Fragments x3
Simple TorchStick x1
Rope x4
Resin x1
Stone AxeStone Blade x1
Stick x1
Rope x1
Stone BladeSmall Stone x2
Stone KnifeRope x2
Stone Blade x1
Stone PickaxeStick x1
Stone Blade x2
Rope x1
Wooden HammerStick x2
Wooden HoeStone Blade x2
Stick x4
RopeFiber x2

Workshop Pit Crafting Recipes in ASKA

Workshop Pit Crafting Recipes in ASKA
Sand Sailor Studio

The Workshop Pit is an early crafting station that allows for more advanced items:

Crafting RecipeMaterials
Heavy ClubStick x8
Rope x2
Resin x4
Large Stone AxeStick x4
Stone Blade x4
Rope x4
Large Stone PickaxeStick x4
Stone Blade x4
Rope x3
RoadmakerStick x2
Rope x4
Stone Blade x4
Wooden RakeStick x6
Rope x2

Workshop Hut Crafting Recipes in ASKA

Bark in ASKA
Sand Sailor Studio

The Workshop Hut is an upgrade to the Workshop Pit offering even more crafting options:

Crafting RecipeMaterials
8x FiberBark x5
Crude Iron AxeSmall Iron Axe Head x1
Stick x1
Crude Iron HammerWood Shaft x1
Iron Hammer Head x1
Crude Iron HoeWood Shaft x4
Iron Bar x1
Iron Nails x1
Crude Iron PickaxeWood Shaft x1
Stick x1
Iron Pickaxe Head x1
Crude Iron RakeStick x6
Iron Nails x1
Iron Bar x1
Crude Iron RoadmakerWood Shaft x2
Iron Bar x1
Iron Nails x2
Crude Iron Skinning KnifeRope x2
Iron Knife Blade x1
Stick x1
Iron Draw KnifeRope x2
Iron Knife Blade x1
Stick x1
Large Crude Iron AxeWood Shaft x4
Large Iron Axe Head x1
Iron Nails x1
Large Crude Iron PickaxeWood Shaft x4
Large Iron Pickaxe Head x1
Iron Nails x1
Thatch BrushThatch x4
Stick x1
Rope x1

Workshop Hut Clothing Recipes in ASKA

Clothing Recipes in ASKA
Sand Sailor Studio

The Workshop Hut also allows for crafting various clothing items:

Crafting RecipeMaterials
Basic Linen CapeLinen x6
Linen Thread x5
Flimsy CapLinen x2
Rope x1
Flimsy GlovesLinen x2
Rope x1
Flimsy Linen BootsLinen x1
Leather Scraps x1
Linen Thread x1
Flimsy PantsLinen x8
Rope x2
Flimsy ShirtLinen x7
Rope x2
Rough Iron Helmet Iron Plate x2
Iron Nails x6
Linen x2
Linen Thread x2
Simple Leather BootsLinen x1
Leather Scraps x4
Linen Thread x2
Simple Pelt CapeCured Pelt x2
Linen Thread x4
Thick Linen CapLinen x2
Linen Thread x2
Thick Linen HoodLinen x6
Linen Thread x4
Thick Linen PantsLinen x10
Leather Hide x1
Linen Thread x2
Thick Linen ShirtLinen x10
Cured Leather Hide x1
Leather Scraps x2

Workshop Hut Weapon and Shield Recipes in ASKA

Workshop Hut Weapon and Shield Recipes in ASKA
Sand Sailor Studio

Weapons and shields can also be crafted at the Workshop Hut:

Crafting RecipeMaterials
10x Bone Tip ArrowStick x3
Feather x5
Bone Fragments x7
10x Iron Tipped ArrowWood Shaft x5
Feathers x5
Iron Nails x2
Crude Heater ShieldLeather Scraps x5
Wood Shaft x5
Iron Plate x1
Iron Nails x4
Crude Iron Battle AxeSmall Iron Axe Head x1
Wood Shaft x2
Leather Scraps x3
Crude Iron SwordSmall Iron Blade x1
Wood Shaft x2
Leather Scraps x3
Crude Iron WarhammerIron Hammer Head x1
Wood Shaft x1
Leather Scraps x3
Crude Norman ShieldLeather Scraps x7
Wood Shaft x7
Iron Plate x1
Iron Nails x5
Crude Round ShieldLeather Scraps x6
Wood Shaft x5
Iron Plate x1
Iron Nails x4
Crude Tower ShieldLeather Scraps x8
Wood Shaft x7
Iron Plate x1
Iron Nails x6
Crude Two Handed Iron SwordLarge Iron Blade x1
Iron Nails x1
Wood Shaft x2
Leather Scraps x6
Large Crude Iron Battle AxeLarge Iron Axe Head x1
Iron Nails, x1
Wood Shaft x4
Leather Scraps x4
Large Crude Iron WarhammerLarge Iron Hammer Head x1
Iron Nails x1
Wood Shaft x4
Leather Scraps x4
LongbowWood Shaft x4
Rope x3
Simple BowStick x5
Rope x3
Bone Fragments x5

Weaver Crafting Recipes in ASKA

How to Get FIbers in ASKA
Sand Sailor Studio

The Weaver is essential for creating basic fabric materials:

Crafting RecipeMaterials
LinenFibers x4
Linen ThreadFibers x2

Leatherworker Crafting Recipes

The Leatherworker allows for the creation of leather materials:

Crafting RecipeMaterials
Leather HideLeather Scraps x5
Linen Thread x1

Metalworker Crafting Recipes in ASKA

Metalworker Crafting Recipes in ASKA
Sand Sailor Studio

The Metalworker is crucial for creating metal components in ASKA:

Crafting RecipeMaterials
5x Iron NailsHot Iron Bloom x1
Iron BarHot Iron Bloom x4
Iron Hammer HeadHot Iron Bloom x4
Iron Knife BladeHot Iron Bloom x3
Iron Pickaxe HeadHot Iron Bloom x3
Iron PlateHot Iron Bloom x4
Large Iron Axe HeadHot Iron Bloom x6
Large Iron BladeHot Iron Bloom x6
Large Iron Hammer HeadHot Iron Bloom x6
Large Iron Pickaxe HeadHot Iron Bloom x6
Small Iron Axe HeadHot Iron Bloom x4
Small Iron BladeHot Iron Bloom x3

How to Master Crafting in ASKA

Understanding these recipes is just the beginning of ASKA. Efficient resource gathering and strategic crafting are key to survival and progress in this game. Remember that some advanced items require specific buildings or skill levels to craft.

As you explore and gather resources keep this list handy. It will help you plan what to craft next and what materials to prioritize. Don’t forget that collecting water, cooking, and building also play crucial roles in the game alongside crafting.

With this comprehensive list of crafting recipes, you can now approach your survival journey with confidence. Happy crafting and may your Viking settlement thrive!

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.