How to Romance Adeline in Fields of Mistria: Complete Guide

Shida |  Published: August 06, 2024

Find out all the tips and tricks you need to know on how to romance Adeline in Fields of Mistria in this comprehensive guide

Fields of Mistria offers players the chance to form deep connections with its colorful cast of characters. Among them stands Adeline, the determined town leader with a heart of gold. This guide will look into the intricacies of romancing Adeline, providing valuable insights into her preferences, background, and the best ways to win her affection in the game.

Who is Adeline in Fields of Mistria?

Adeline Fields of Mistria
NPC Studio

Adeline’s Birthday: Winter 18

Adeline leads Mistria, a town recently struck by a devastating earthquake. With her parents in the Capital, she and her brother Eiland are given the task of rebuilding their beloved home. Adeline’s dedication to restoring Mistria’s former glory shines through in all her actions.

Despite her heavy responsibilities, Adeline stays optimistic. Known for her meticulous planning and organizational skills, she always has a new project or task. However, her drive sometimes leads her to overwork herself.

How to Romance Adeline in Fields of Mistria

While romance options are not yet fully implemented in Fields of Mistria’s Early Access version, players can still lay the groundwork for a future relationship with Adeline. The key to winning her heart lies in building a strong friendship through daily interactions and thoughtful gift-giving.

Presenting Adeline with her favorite items is crucial to strengthening your bond. Here’s a comprehensive list of Adeline’s gift preferences:

Fields of Mistria Adeline
Loved Gifts– Coffee
– Gazpacho
– Lemon Pie
– Middlemist
– Peaches and Cream
– Perfect Pink Diamond
– Plum Blossom
– Pumpkin Pie
– Tea with Lemon
Liked Gifts– Candied Lemon Peel
– Diamond
– Heather
– Lemon
– Lemon Cake
– Lemonade
– Paper
– Peach
– Pineshroom Toast
– Pink Diamond
– Pumpkin Stew
– Red Wine
– Snapdragon
– Spicy Cheddar Biscuit
– Tulip
– Smoked Trout Soup
– White Wine
– Wild Berry Pie
– Wild Berry Scone
Neutral Gifts– Alpaca Wool
– Ancient Gold Coin
– Ancient Royal Scepter
– Apple Pie
– Beet Soup
– Candied Strawberries
– Canned Sardines
– Carrot
– Cherry Cobbler
– Chickpea
– Clay
– Copper Ingot
– Crayfish
– Duck Egg
– Family Crest Pendant
– Fiddlehead
– Fish Skewer
– Fish Stew
– Freshwater Oyster
Disliked Gifts– Hay
– Mushroom Brew
– Mushroom Rice
Hated Gifts– Morel Mushroom

How to Build Relationship with Adeline

Adeline in Fields Of Mistria
NPC Studio

To increase your friendship level with Adeline in Fields of Mistria, follow these key strategies:

  1. Daily Interactions: Make it a habit to speak with Adeline every day. These regular conversations will gradually build your relationship.
  2. Gift Giving: Present Adeline with her loved or liked gifts as often as possible. Remember, you can give one gift per day.
  3. Birthday Bonus: Mark Winter 18 on your calendar. Giving Adeline a gift on her birthday will result in a significant boost to your friendship level.
  4. Participate in Events: Take part in town events, especially the Spring Festival. Placing in the top three will increase your standing with all villagers, including Adeline.
  5. Complete Quests: Keep an eye out for any tasks or quests Adeline might have for you. Completing these will not only help the town but also strengthen your bond.

While full romance options are not yet available in the Early Access version, building a strong friendship with Adeline now will likely pay off in future updates.

Keep an eye out for character events that trigger at 2 and 4 heart levels. These events offer unique opportunities to learn more about Adeline and potentially set the stage for a romantic relationship. Good luck!


  • What is Adeline’s favorite gift in Fields of Mistria?
    • Adeline loves receiving Coffee, Gazpacho, Lemon Pie, and Tea with Lemon, among others.
  • When is Adeline’s birthday in Fields of Mistria?
    • Adeline’s birthday falls on Winter 18 in Fields of Mistria.
  • Can you marry Adeline in Fields of Mistria?
    • Full romance options are not yet available in the Early Access version, but players can build friendship for future updates.

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.