Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: All Weapons List and How to Get Them

Shida |  Published: March 09, 2024

This is a complete list of all weapons available for every character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, including how to unlock and get them!

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth allows players to customize their character builds more than ever before through the weapons they equip. Mastering each weapon unlocks powerful abilities that can turn the tide of battle if used properly.

This guide will help you find all of the weapons in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and the ways to get them.

All Weapons List in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and How to Get Them

Every character has their own unique selection of weapons that can be equipped. Each weapon boosts stats like ATK and M.ATK to increase damage dealt.

More importantly, they grant the equipping character special abilities that give them new attacks and tactical options.

Cloud’s Weapons List in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

FF7 Rebirth Cloud's Weapons List
Cloud’s Weapon

This is the full list of Cloud’s weapons you can get in Final Fantasy Rebirth 7. There are 7 weapons in total:

WeaponHow to GetAbility
Cloud's Buster Sword in FF7 RebirthBuster SwordCloud begins the journey with the Buster Sword, his default weapon.Focused Thrust: Use it to lunge at an enemy, hitting them multiple times and greatly increasing stagger.
Cloud's Sleek Saber in FF7 RebirthSleek SaberFind the Sleek Saber in a purple chest at the Abandoned Dock in the Grasslands Region.Firebolt Blade: Add fire and lightning to your sword while slicing through an enemy. Can be used even while airborne.
Cloud's Rune Blade in FF7 RebirthRune BladeComplete the Parade minigame in Chapter 4. Once done, you’ll find the Rune Blade in a chest near the rest station.Disorder: Gives a powerful attack while switching modes. When the attack connects, it fills the ATB gauge. Can be used even while airborne.
Cloud's Umbral Blade in FF7 RebirthUmbral BladeIn a chest within The Dust Bowl during Chapter 8.Prime Mode: Enhances Punisher Mode, allowing you to hold down Attack for three consecutive strikes and boosting Berserk potency.
Cloud's Crystal Sword in FF7 RebirthCrystal SwordIn a chest in the freight corridor of Gongaga Reactor during Chapter 9.Infinity’s End: Wind up and execute a powerful overhead strike, dealing increased damage when the enemy is staggered. This ability costs 2 ATB.
Cloud's Igneous Saber in FF7 RebirthIgneous SaberLocate the Igneous Saber on the Northern Ridge by climbing a wall to reach a platform with a chest in Chapter 11.Blade Burst: Release a wave of non-elemental mako energy by slashing your sword at an enemy in front of you.
Cloud's Slipstream Saber in FF7 RebirthSlipstream SaberIn the Labyrinth Ceiling, alter gravity to reveal a climbable vine. Ascend it to reach a purple chest containing the weapon.Counterstance: Brace for attacks and counteract them. Activate at the right moment to minimize damage. Can be used even while airborne.
Cloud’s weapons in FF7 Rebirth

Barret’s Weapons List in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

FF7 Rebirth Barret's Weapons List
Barret’s Weapon

This is the full list of Barret’s weapons you can get in Final Fantasy Rebirth 7. There are 7 weapons in total as well:

WeaponHow to GetAbility
Barret's Gatling Gun in FF7 Rebirth
Gatling Gun
Barret begins the journey with the Gatling Gun, his default weapon.Focused Shot: Use all ATB charges for a concentrated burst of energy.
Barret's Hi-Caliber Rifle in FF7 Rebirth
Hi-Caliber Rifle
Find the Hi-Caliber Rifle in a chest on a small island in Swamplands. Available in Chapter 2.Bonus Round: Load unique bullets to boost stagger and power up attacks
Barret's Vulcan Cannon in FF7 Rebirth
Vulcan Cannon
Leave The Dust Bowl in Chapter 8. Once done, you’ll find the weapon in a chest near a minivan wreckage.Charging Uppercut: Rush towards an enemy, launching them into the air and increasing Charge.
Barret's Barrage Blaster in FF7 Rebirth
Barrage Blaster
You can find the Barrage Blaster in a chest near a cliff after fighting two Cockatrice in Coal Mines.Lifesaver: Temporarily increase HP and take damage for other party members.
Barret's Fafnir Rifle in FF7 Rebirth
Fafnir Rifle
Complete The Pursuit of Perfection quest in Gongaga Chapter 9 to obtain the weapon.Point Blank: Consume all ATB charges for a close-range attack, sending enemies flying.
Barret's Calamitous Bazooka in FF7 Rebirth
Calamitous Bazooka
Found in Cave of Gi in Chapter 10. The weapon is inside a chest beside an enemy spider after the gate with 5 altars.Smackdown: Strike the ground, sending nearby enemies flying.

Battle Cry
You can find this weapon in a purple chest in the Temple of the Ancients when progressing through the Forging Ahead quest.Turbulent Spirit: Significantly increase ATB charge rate for a limited time. Can be used once per battle.
Barret’s weapons in FF7 Rebirth

Tifa’s Weapons List in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

FF7 Rebirth Tifa's Weapons List
Tifa in FF7 Rebirth

This is the full list of Tifa’s weapons you can get in Final Fantasy Rebirth 7:

WeaponHow to GetAbility
Tifa Leather Gloves in FF7 RebirthLeather GlovesTifa begins the journey with the Leather Gloves, her default weapon.Divekick: Leap into the air and unleash a powerful kick.
Tifa Sylph Gloves in FF7 RebirthSylph GlovesFind the weapons beside a Crystalline Crab enemy in Mythril Mine, Chapter 3.Reverse Gale: Knock enemies into the air or bring them down with a wind attack.
TIfa Kaiser Knuckles in FF7 Rebirth
Kaiser Knuckles
Find it in a chest at Cargo Hold of Shinra-8 in Chapter 5.Overpower: Use with other attacks to pressure enemies.
Tifa Dragon Claws in FF7 Rebirthv
Dragon Claws
You will get it after playing Desert Rush Minigame in Chapter 8 and get 42,000 points.Starshower: Unleash powerful strikes, increasing the strength of the next command.
Tifa Tiger Fangs in FF7 Rebirth
Tiger Fangs
Obtain the weapon at the flooded room in the reactor during Chapter 5. Grapple up the beam after defeating Chimera Mimics.Chi Trap: Create an orb of materialized chi.
Tifa Crystal Gloves in FF7 Rebirth
Crystal Gloves
Found in a chest near a storage shed at the Nibel Mako Reactor, Chapter 11.Unfettered Fury: Infuse attacks with non-elemental magic, increasing stagger.
Tifa Járngreipr in FF7 Rebirth
Hall of Life Second Tier after splitting up with the team and defeating the Riot Troopers.True Strike: Deliver a huge blow at close range, with an increased stagger damage bonus.
TIfa’s weapons in FF7 Rebirth

Yuffie’s Weapons List in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

FF7 Rebirth Yuffie's Weapons List
Yuffie in FF7 Rebirth

This is the full list of Yuffie’s weapons you can get in Final Fantasy Rebirth 7. There are only 6 weapons in total for Yuffie:

WeaponHow to GetAbility
Yuffie 4-Point Shuriken in FF7 Rebirth4-Point ShurikenYuffie begins the journey with 4-Point Shuriken, her default weapon.Elemental Ninjutsu: Enhance and use an element for ninjutsu attacks.
Yuffie Savage Dagger in FF7 RebirthSavage DaggerYuffie begins the journey with Savage Dagger, her default weapon.Blindside: Execute an attack even while immobilized or reeling from damage. Can be used while airborne.
Yuffie Twin Viper in FF7 RebirthTwin ViperFound in the Ground level of Coal Mines in Chapter 7.Windstorm: Create a gust of wind damaging nearby enemies and pulling them towards you.
Yuffie Bird of Prey in FF7 RebirthBird of PreyFin the weapon in a chest near the boxes inside Gongaga Inn in Gongaga Village during Chapter 9.Doppelganger: Summon a clone that mimics your actions.
Yuffie Crescent Sickle in FF7 RebirthCrescent SicklePlay the Glide de Chocobo Minigame in Cosmo Canyon after Chapter 10. Complete Training Course 1 with at least 3600 points.Shooting Star: Release the shuriken, mowing down enemies. Can be used while airborne.
Yuffie Crystalline Cross in FF7 RebirthCrystalline CrossThe weapon is inside a purple chest near the helipad exit and next to wooden crates in Gold Saucer while chasing Cait Sith.Banishment: Increased damage with ATB spent on other commands. Affinity changes with ninjutsu.
Yuffie’s weapons in FF7 Rebirth

Aerith’s Weapons List in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

FF7 Rebirth Aerith's Weapons List
Aerith in FF7 Rebirth

This is the full list of Aerith’s weapons you can get in Final Fantasy Rebirth 7. There are only 6 weapons as well for Aerith:

WeaponHow to GetAbility
Aerith Guard Stick in FF7 Rebirth
Guard Stick
Aerith begins the journey with a Guard Stick, her default weapon.Arcane Ward: Summon a ward where attack spells cast within are automatically cast twice.
Aerith TImeless Rod in FF7 Rebirth
Timeless Rod
Find it inside a purple chest on the right side next to Chloe in Bill’s Ranch during Chapter 3.Chrono Aegis: Create a barrier that damages and temporarily freezes enemies attempting to strike you.
Empress’ ScpeterFound in the purple chest inside Aerith’s room on the 2nd Floor of Under Junon Inn. Get it after defeating the Terror of the Deep boss in Chapter 4.Radiant Ward: Conjure a ward providing invincibility during spell casting and strengthening Aerith’s basic attack.
Aerith Wizard's Rod in FF7 RebirthWizard’s RodTo the left of a Rest Station at the foot of Mt. Corel.Lustrous Shield: Summon a magical shield to repel enemies and block projectiles.
Aerith Ceremonial Staff in FF7 RebirthCeremonial StaffFind this weapon behind the rest stop in the Village of Gi during Chapter 10.ATB Ward: Create a ward. Accumulate ATB charges within to boost allies’ ATB gauges.
Aerith Gambanteinn in FF7 RebirthGambanteinnFind it inside the purple chest down the stairs in the left area of Temple of the Ancients after learning about Vessels of Life.Noble Sacrifice: Sacrifice yourself to revive fallen allies, restore their HP, and remove detrimental status effects. Costs 2 ATB.
Aerith’s weapons in FF7 Rebirth

Red XIII’s Weapons List in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

FF7 Rebirth Red XIII's Weapons List
Red XIII in FF7 Rebirth

Here is a complete list of Red XIII’s weapons you can get in Final Fantasy Rebirth 7. There are only 6 weapons available:

WeaponHow to GetAbility
Red XIII Mythril Collar in FF7 RebirthMythril CollarRed XIII begins the journey with a Mythril Collar. It’s the default weapon.Stardust Ray: Unleash a powerful attack over a wide area. Costs 2 ATB.
Red XIII Renegade's Collar in FF7 RebirthRenegade’s CollarNext to the first rest station after the Elena and Rude fight in Chapter 3.Crescent Claw: Slash at a enemies, depleting the gauge in Vengeance Mode to enhance potency and range.
Red XIII Silver Collar in FF7 RebirthSilver CollarWin the Run Wild minigame at Costa Del Sol without tying with an enemy team.Chilling Roar: Retaliate with ice shards when hit, charging the Vengeance Gauge with a successful counterstrike.
Red XIII Amethyst Collar in FF7 RebirthAmethyst CollarAt the end of the cave in the Of Robed Men and Ransoms side quest.Supernal Fervor: Grant Haste to all party members during Vengeance mode. Costs 2 ATB.
Red XIII Golden Collar in FF7 RebirthGolden CollarOn the other side of a broken platform. Move crates to access the broken platform.Watcher’s Respite: Deplete the Vengeance Gauge to heal allies, potency based on the amount expended
Red XIII Mystic Collar in FF7 RebirthMystic CollarFound during the fetch sequence in Cave of Gi in Chapter 10.Watcher’s Spirit: Deplete the Vengeance Gauge to increase allies’ ATB, potency proportional to the amount expended.
Red XIII’s weapons in FF7 Rebirth

Cait Sith’s Weapons List in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

FF7 Rebirth Cait Sith's Weapons List
Cait Sith in FF7 Rebirth

Last but not least, here is a complete list of all 7 weapons available for Caith Sith in Final Fantasy Rebirth 7:

WeaponHow to GetAbility
Cait Sith Yellow Megaphone in FF7 Rebirth
Yellow Megaphone
Cait Sith’s starting weapon, available when he joins in Chapter 8.Roll o’ the Dice: Roll a die, and the resulting effect varies based on the number rolled.
Cait Sith Iron Megaphone in FF7 Rebirth
Iron Megaphone
Cait Sith’s starting weapon, available when he joins in Chapter 8.Fortune Telling: Deal either great or small damage, or perhaps just receive a fortune.
Cait Sith Red Megaphone in FF7 Rebirth
Red Megaphone
Find a purple chest at the end of the path by jumping down from the boat by the river at Gongaga.Moogle Kaboom: Turn your Moogle into a ticking time bomb that explodes upon leaving combat.
Cait Sith Crystal Megaphone in FF7 Rebirth
Crystal Megaphone
Return to the observatory and find the chest at the bottom floor of the storeroom in Cosmo Canyon in Chapter 10.Moogle Magic: Use an equipped summon’s ability while riding a Moogle during battles with available summons.
Cait Sith Resounding Megaphone in FF7 Rebirth
Resounding Megaphone
Find in Chapter 9, near the phone booth on the Gongaga Airstrip.Moogle Mine: Use the Moogle to scatter landmines that explode upon enemy contact, moderately increasing stagger.
Cait Sith Golden Megaphone in FF7 Rebirth
Golden Megaphone
In Chapter 11, control Cait Sith, and throw a box at the switch near the locked door with a purple chest.Moogle Knuckle: Utilize the moogle for a powerful assault, capitalizing on an enhanced stagger damage bonus.
Cait Sith Gjallarhorn in FF7 Rebirth
Collect 45 Tufts of Chocograss and exchange them with the Tackshop to obtain the Gjallarhorn in Chapter 11.Lady Luck: Call upon the goddess of fortune to temporarily increase allies’ critical hit rate.
Cait Sith’s weapons in FF7 Rebirth

How To Get Weapons in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Most weapons in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can be discovered through exploration or completing side activities. While a few may be rewarded automatically during the main story quests, the vast majority are hidden bonuses.

Nearly every environment has powerful gear tucked away in obscure corners or locked inside chests.

It’s worth taking time between story beats to revisit old areas and see what new equipment you can dig up with abilities earned along the way. Thorough searchers will be rewarded with game-changing gear.

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.