Consecutive Encounters in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

Bilal |  Published: June 15, 2024

Learn how to master consecutive encounters in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Discover tips for efficient EXP and Macca farming.

Consecutive Encounters is a fresh and exciting feature in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMTVV) that lets players engage in multiple battles within a single combat session. This guide will walk you through how to leverage this new mechanic, find consecutive encounters, and efficiently farm EXP and Macca using this method.

What Are Consecutive Encounters?

Shin Megami Tensei Consecutive Encounters

In Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, consecutive encounters allow players to face a series of demon battles without a break. After defeating the initial group of enemies, another wave of demons appears, providing an ongoing challenge that can test your strategic prowess and resource management.

Benefits of Consecutive Encounters

Increased EXP and Macca: One of the primary advantages of consecutive encounters is the significant boost in experience points (EXP) and Macca, the game’s currency. Since you face multiple groups of demons in succession, each wave defeated adds to your total rewards, making this an excellent method for farming resources.

Efficient Farming: Consecutive encounters streamline the farming process by keeping you in combat, thus reducing downtime between battles. This efficiency helps you level up faster and amass Macca more quickly compared to standard encounters.

How to Find Consecutive Encounters

Explore Demon-Rich Areas: To trigger consecutive encounters, you need to be in areas densely populated with demons. As you explore these areas, multiple demons will often chase you, increasing the likelihood of initiating a consecutive encounter.

Watch for Screen Blur: A telltale sign that you are about to enter a consecutive encounter is the screen blurring after a battle. This visual cue indicates that another wave of enemies is imminent, so be prepared to continue fighting.

Engage Groups of Demons: Similar to previous titles in the series, consecutive encounters can be triggered by engaging enemies that are close to other demons. When you attack a group with nearby demons, those additional enemies will often join the fight, leading to a series of consecutive battles.

Tips for Maximizing Consecutive Encounters

Shin Megami Tensei Multiple Demon Areas

Prepare Your Party: Ensure your party is well-prepared for extended battles. Stock up on healing items, and equip demons that have skills to cover a variety of weaknesses. This preparation is crucial as you will face multiple waves without a break to heal or regroup.

Use Area-of-Effect (AoE) Skills: Utilize AoE skills that can damage multiple enemies at once. These skills are invaluable in consecutive encounter, as they allow you to clear waves more efficiently.

Monitor Resources: Keep an eye on your HP and MP levels throughout the consecutive encounter. Since there is no downtime between waves, resource management is vital to avoid running out of steam in the middle of a prolonged fight.

Exploit Weaknesses: As always, exploiting enemy weaknesses is key to gaining extra turns and maintaining the upper hand. The Press Turn System rewards you for hitting weak points, giving you more opportunities to attack and defend against incoming waves.

By mastering the art of consecutive encounter, you can significantly boost your farming efficiency and enhance your overall gameplay experience in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Whether you aim to level up quickly or amass Macca, this feature offers a dynamic and rewarding way to engage with the game’s challenging combat system.

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