Honor Of Kings Kongming Build: Items, Counters, And Arcana

Kyuma |  Published: July 30, 2024

Discover the best Kongming guide for the Honor of Kings. Learn optimal builds, counters, and strategies for both mid and jungle roles.

Kongming is a versatile mage in Honor of Kings who excels in both mid-lane and jungle positions. Currently sitting in A-tier for both roles, Kongming offers strong damage output to teams. His ability to stack marks on enemies and deal burst damage makes him a formidable threat throughout the game.

This guide will cover Kongming’s abilities, optimal builds, gameplay strategies, and counters to help players maximize his potential on the battlefield.

Kongming’s Abilities in HoK

Kongming Abilities in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
Passive: Time for TacticsActive skill hits on enemies grant 1 stack. At the max of 5 stacks, he summons prisms to attack nearby enemies.
Skill 1: Arcane AssaultFires 3 orbs in a fan-shaped area, dealing damage to enemies hit.
Skill 2: Time ShiftShifts in the target direction, dealing damage to enemies near the start and end points.
Skill 3: Winning StrategyChannels briefly and unleashes a spirit bomb at the target enemy, dealing lethal damage. If the bomb defeats an enemy hero, the skill’s cooldown is refreshed.

Fun Fact: Tulen is the AoV counterpart of Kongming.

Best Kongming Build in HoK

Best Kongming Build in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted

Jungle Build:

Runebladeboots-of-resistanceInsatiable TomeSavant's WrathVoid StaffSplendor
RunebladeBoots of ResistanceInsatiable TomeSavant’s WrathVoid StaffSplendore

Mid Lane Build:

Splendorboots-of-resistanceInsatiable TomeSavant's WrathVoid StaffSplendor
Scepter of ReverberationBoots of ResistanceInsatiable TomeSavant’s WrathVoid StaffSplendore


NightmareHuntMind's Eye
NightmareHuntMind’s Eye

How to Play Kongming in HoK

How to Play Kongming in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
  • Early Game: In the early game, Kongming should focus on farming leveling up to level 4 quickly. Use skill 1 (Arcane Assault) to clear minion waves efficiently and harass opponents from a safe distance. Remember your passive helps you harass enemy laners and your dashes will help you get out of any trick situation if used properly. Use this to your advantage to clear the waves quickly and rotate to other lanes. Kongming is one of the strongest early game mages and you should capitalise on this.
  • Mid-Game: As the game progresses, Kongming becomes a strong team fighter. Look for opportunities to roam and assist side lanes. Use skill 2 (Time Shift) to reposition or chase down enemies. One of the major advantages of Kongming is he can switch to side lanes and push the waves and join the team fights. Although he doesn’t have potential to take down turrets easily, Kongming excels in clearing waves and moreover he is slippery unlike other traditional mages that are extremely squishy and lack mobility.
  • Late Game: In the late game, Kongming’s burst potential reaches its peak. Position carefully in teamfights, using skill 2 to dodge incoming damage or close the gap on priority targets. Save skill 3 (Winning Strategy) for executing low-health enemies, as it can reset the cooldown and allow for multiple casts in a single fight.

How to Play as Mid: When playing mid, focus on wave clear and map control. Use skill 1 to push waves quickly and roam to side lanes when possible. Coordinate with your jungler for objectives and ganks. In teamfights, stay on the backline and use your abilities to zone enemies and deal consistent damage.

How to Play in the Jungle: As a jungler, clear camps efficiently using your abilities. Look for gank opportunities in lanes where enemies are overextended. Use skill 2 to close the gap and follow up with skill 1 to stack marks.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Before engaging in fights, use minions or jungle monsters to stack marks.
  • Skill 1 is your primary tool for stacking marks during teamfights.
  • Use skill 2 to slow enemies or adjust your position in combat.
  • Ambush tactics can greatly increase your kill potential if you land your combos correctly.
  • Practice skill combos like 2-1-3 and 1-2-3 to maximize damage output.
  • Remember that your ultimate resets on kills, allowing for multiple casts in teamfights.

Kongming Counters in HoK

Kongming struggles against heroes with high burst damage potential, such as Nakoruru. Champions with area-of-effect abilities and longer range can also pose a threat to Kongming, making it difficult for him to safely approach and deal damage. Engage on him when his ultimate is unavailable to reduce his threat level significantly.

Summary Table

RoleMid Lane, Jungle
TierA-tier in both roles
StrengthsHigh burst damage, Mark stacking, Skill reset potential
WeaknessesVulnerable to burst, Limited escape options
Key ItemsRuneblade (Jungle), Scepter of Reverberation (Mid), Savant’s Wrath
CountersHigh burst heroes, Long-range mages, AoE-focused champions

Kongming is a powerful mage in Honor of Kings, capable of dominating both the mid-lane and jungle.

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