How to Get and Use Elemental Vessels in Visions of Mana

Shida |  Published: August 28, 2024

Visions of Mana, the new action RPG from Square Enix, adds new gameplay features to the old-but-gold series, and one of them is a system called Elemental Vessels. These powerful items play a key role in both combat and exploring, giving players various abilities and strategies when trying to defeat nemesis. Let’s look at the eight Elemental Vessels and what makes each one special!

Elemental Vessels in Visions of Mana

Elemental Vessels
Square Enix

There are a total of 8 Elemental Vessels available in Visions of Mana, here they are:

Elemental VesselsElement
Sylphid BoomerangWind
Luna GlobeMoon
Undine FlaskWater
Salamando CandleFire
Gnome ShovelEarth
Dryad SprigWood
Lumina LanternLight
Shade SightDarkness

How to Get and Use Elemental Vessels in Visions of Mana

Each Elemental Vessel not only grants unique abilities but also changes the equipped character’s class. In battles, they can be used as powerful skills. This system adds depth to party customization and encourages experimentation with different character-vessel combinations.

Here is the breakdown of how to get and use them:

Wind: Sylphid Boomerang

Sylphid Boomerang Visions of Mana
Square Enix

Sylphid Boomerang, the Wind Elemental Vessel, is found at Aery Passage in Chapter 1. The Sylphid Boomerang uses wind power. In battle, it can lift enemies into the air and damage them. While exploring, it helps you jump higher or create floating platforms. It’s useful for both fighting and getting around.

ValRune Knight

Moon: Luna Globe

Luna Globe Visions of Mana
Square Enix

The Luna Globe controls moon energy. In combat, it can slow down enemies. When exploring, it can rewind time or reach areas that were out of reach before.

CareenaMoon Charterer

Water: Undine Flask

Undine Flask Visions of Mana
Square Enix

Using the Undine Flask in Visions of Mana gives control over water. In battles, you can hit enemies with water blasts or send out bubbles that track them. When exploring, it can cool down magma to create safe paths for your character or make bubbles that help you move upward.

PalamenaGrand Diviner

Fire: Salamando Candle

Salamando Candle Visions of Mana
Square Enix

The Salamando Candle brings the fury of flames. It inflicts damage over time in combat scenarios. Exploration-wise, it activates fire triggers, allowing rapid movement between areas via fire rockets.

PalamenaGrand Diviner

Earth: Gnome Shovel

Gnome Shovel Visions of Mana
Square Enix

The Gnome Shovel gives you better defense in battles. It creates a rock dome to block damage. It also helps with puzzles by controlling clay golems and clearing obstacles.

MorleyNinja Master
CareenaWarrior Monk
ValWeapon Master

Wood: Dryad Sprig

Dryad Sprig Visions of Mana
Square Enix

The Dryad Sprig is all about growth and healing. In combat, it creates areas that heal your team. When exploring, you can grow big flowers to cross gaps, making it useful for solving problems with nature.


Light: Lumina Lantern

Luminal Lantern Visions of Mana
Square Enix

The Lumina Lantern controls light energy. In combat, it bounces damage between enemies. When exploring, it creates light beams to open new areas in the game, lighting up your path and opening up options.

JuleiHigh Cleric

Darkness: Shade Sight

Shade Sights Visions of Mana
Square Enix

The Shade Sight controls gravity. It either pushes or pulls enemies based on their weight and can create black holes to gather them for stronger hits. When exploring, it acts like a grappling hook, helping you reach new areas.


*This article is still a work in progress and we will keep on updating when we find out how to find and use all of the Elemental Vessels in the game.

By learning and understanding how to get and use these powerful Elemental Vessels in Visions of Mana, you can make your combat power and exploration capabilities way better.

After the initial release and the game unfolds, we are sure more Elemental Vessels will unlock, offering fresh strategies and abilities to win over challenging obstacles and nemesis.

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.