How to Obtain Stag Antlers in No Rest for the Wicked

Bilal |  Published: April 25, 2024

Learn how to obtain Stag Antlers in No Rest for the Wicked through chests, enemy loot, and vendor visits. Upgrade your gear efficiently!

In the world of No Rest for the Wicked, upgrading your gear and weapons is crucial for progressing through the challenging adventures that lie ahead. One of the key resources you’ll need for these upgrades are Stag Antlers, a rare material used in crafting and enhancing powerful equipment. Here’s how you can obtain Stag Antlers in the game.

Stag Antlers play a vital role in improving the quality of your offensive and defensive items. Upgrading your gear is essential for tackling tough bosses like Warrick and Darak, making Stag Antlers a valuable resource to acquire.

Where to Find Stag Antlers

No Rest for the Wicked
Image Credits: Moon Studios

1. Chests: Stag Antlers can be obtained as random drops from chests scattered throughout the game world. Since this is based on RNG (random number generation), it’s important to open every chest you come across to increase your chances of finding Stag Antlers.

2. Dropped Loot: Defeating enemies in No Rest for the Wicked can also yield Stag Antlers as random loot drops. Engage in battles regularly and collect loot from fallen foes to potentially acquire Stag Antlers.

3. Vendors: Regularly check the vendors in Sacrament for Stag Antlers. Vendors refresh their inventories periodically, so keep an eye out for Stag Antlers when browsing their available items.

Tips for Obtaining Stag Antlers

  • Be Diligent with Chests: Explore thoroughly and open all chests you encounter to maximize your chances of obtaining Stag Antlers.
  • Battle Enemies: Engage in combat with enemies throughout the game world to collect dropped loot, including Stag Antlers.
  • Visit Vendors: Make regular visits to vendors in Sacrament and check their stock for Stag Antlers, which may become available in their inventory.

In summary, obtaining Stag Antlers in No Rest for the Wicked requires persistence and a bit of luck due to its random drop nature. By exploring, battling enemies, and interacting with vendors, you can improve your chances of acquiring this valuable resource needed for upgrading your equipment and enhancing your abilities in the game.

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