Get the LoLdle 684 answers and hints for the May 21, 2024 puzzles including Classic, Quote, Ability, Emoji, and Splash Art.
LoLdle is a daily online puzzle game that tests the knowledge of League of Legends champions. Each day, five different puzzles are presented, offering various clues to help identify the mystery champions. This guide provides the clues and answers for LoLdle 684 on May 21, 2024.
LoLdle Today 684 Clues
Image Credits: GameWitted
Male champion
Jungle and Top positions
Vastayan species
Mana resource
Melee range type
From the Ionia region
Released in 2011
“Did somebody say FISHbone?”
Belongs to Aphelios
R ability
Yin and Yang
Splash Art
Features Fizz
LoLdle 684 Answers
Image Credits: Riot Games
Now for the answers to today’s LoLdle 684 puzzles:
(R – Moonlight Vigil)
Fisherman Fizz
LoLdle 684 Answers
Classic: Wukong
Quote: Yuumi
Ability:(R – Moonlight Vigil)
Emoji: Shen
Splash Art: Fisherman Fizz
Wukong is the answer to the Classic puzzle. He is a melee Vastayan champion from Ionia who uses mana and was released in 2011. Wukong is known for his “Wuju style.” quote and Stone Skin passive ability.
For the Quote puzzle, “Did somebody say FISHbone?” refers to Yuumi.
The Ability puzzle points to **Aphelios** and his R ability **Moonlight Vigil**. Aphelios is a popular ADC champion.
Shen is hinted at in the Emoji puzzle by the ninja, shield, sword, and yin-yang symbols.
Finally, the Splash Art puzzle features Fizz in his Fisherman skin, which may be tricky for some players to identify but you can look at the hands in the image.
There you have it – the clues and answers for LoLdle 684 on May 21, 2024. Check back tomorrow for a new set of LoLdle puzzles to test your League of Legends champion knowledge.