New Biomes and Spawns in Pokemon GO Rediscover Kanto Update

ruekuma |  Published: April 23, 2024

Explore biomes and encounter region-specific Pokemon in the latest Pokemon GO Rediscover Kanto event featuring visual updates.

Pokemon GO has launched the Rediscover Kanto event which introduced a new biome system to the game on April 22nd, 2024. Biomes are real-world ecosystems that impact which Pokemon you’ll encounter and the environmental graphics displayed during your Pokemon GO sessions.

Biomes in Pokemon GO: What Are They?

Biomes in Pokemon GO

Biomes are different ecosystems like forests, beaches, mountains, and cities that now determine both the Pokemon spawns and visual backdrops you see in Pokemon GO. The game uses real global data to represent different types of environments around the world.

When you enter a biome, you’ll notice the graphics change to match that environment – forests will have tall trees, beaches will show water and sand, cities will display buildings, and so on.

But biomes don’t just impact the look – they also dictate which Pokemon species appear in that area.

Kanto Pokemon and Their Biome Spawns

Pokemon GO Rediscover Kanto

For now, only the first 151 Pokemon from the Kanto region are being spawned based on their respective biomes. Here are some examples of what to expect:

  • Forest Biome: Bulbasaur, Caterpie, Weedle, Oddish
  • Beach Biome: Squirtle, Psyduck, Seel, Magikarp
  • Mountain Biome: Sandshrew, Clefairy, Zubat, Diglett
  • City Biome: Caterpie, Pidgey, Machop, Gastly

Niantic has confirmed these are just a few of the Kanto Pokemon tied to specific biomes during the Rediscover Kanto event running until May 9th.

You’ll need to explore various biomes yourself to see what other region-exclusive spawns appear.

Wiglett – A New Beach Biome Pokemon

Wiglett Beach Biome Pokemon

As part of this update, the brand new Water-type Pokemon Wiglett is making its Pokemon GO debut exclusively in the beach biome.

This Garden Eel Pokemon has already been spotted at seaside locations across the globe.

With a max CP of 648, Wiglett’s best move set is Water Gun and Surf. It will be weather-boosted during Rainy conditions in Pokemon GO. So far, Wiglett is the only new Pokemon confirmed for biome-specific spawns.

Other New Biome Features

Beyond impacting spawns, biomes in Pokemon GO also bring new seasonal and time-of-day visual changes:

  • Seasonal Changes: Trees and plant life will update with the seasons – blooming in Spring, green in Summer, and colorful leaves in Fall.
  • Day/Night Cycle: Graphics will adapt between day and night, like a sunset beach backdrop in the evening.

Niantic stated one goal is for Pokemon encounters to look slightly different even within the same biome. So your nearby forest may have variations in vegetation density, tree height, etc.

All Biomes Discovered So Far

While Niantic hasn’t officially confirmed every Pokemon GO biome yet, these are the major ones trainers have identified:

  • Park (default)
  • Forest
  • Beach
  • River
  • Lake
  • Ocean
  • Mountain
  • City
  • Grasslands

More uncommon biome types like tropical beaches with palm trees have also been reported in certain regions of the world. Expect Niantic to keep adding new biome diversity over time.

Begin Your Biome Exploration

With biomes now incorporated into Pokemon GO, you have a whole new way to experience the game and track down region-specific Pokemon. While Kanto is the initial focus, it seems likely that Pokemon from other generations will eventually get tied to biome spawns too.

As you rediscover your local area, keep an eye out for changing graphics and new Pokemon appearances based on the biome you’re exploring. Happy hunting!

About Author

Ti is a gaming writer who began her journey in the industry in 2022. She has covered a wide range of topics from popular titles like Fortnite and Once Human to indie gems, bringing a fresh perspective to the gaming scene. Before fully diving into game writing, Ti contributed to a media company for three years, starting in 2018, where she covered topics on books, movies, and entertainment. Although primarily focused on PC games, Ti also dabbles in mobile gaming and loves diving into RPG and survival genres. Beyond gaming, she has a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cinema, all of which shape her unique approach to writing.