ZZZ: Ellen Joe Best Build, W Engines, Drive Discs & Teams

Shida |  Published: July 04, 2024

This is the definitive guide for ZZZ: Ellen Joe best build, including her top W Engines, Drive Discs, and team compositions!

Ellen Joe, the adorable yet deadly maid from Zenless Zone Zero‘s Victoria Housekeeping Co, slices through enemies with icy precision using her massive shark tail and hefty scissors. As the first limited S-rank Agent available, many players are eager to unlock Ellen’s full potential. Discover the optimal build for Ellen Joe, including her best-in-slot W Engines, top Drive Disc picks, essential skills to master, and ideal team compositions.

Zenless Zone Zero Ellen Joe Best Build

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll look into the best W Engines, Drive Discs, and team compositions to unleash Ellen Joe’s full potential in Zenless Zone Zero. When you equip her and build her properly, Ellen Joe can be a powerful agent in a variety of team compositions.

Ellen Joe’s Character Overview in Zenless Zone Zero

Ellen Joe Zenless Zone Zero
Fighting StyleAttack
FactionVictoria Housekeeping Co.

Don’t let Ellen Joe’s cute appearance and quirky personality fool you. This shark maid is a powerful force on the battlefield. Representing Victoria Housekeeping Co, Ellen delivers lightning-fast slashes combined with powerful ice damage to immobilize enemies.

Her playstyle centers on the unique “Roaming state” mechanic, enabling her to dash around the enemies and perform charged attacks for significant damage.

Best W Engines for Ellen Joe in ZZZ

W EnginesImage
Deep Sea VisitorDeep Sea Visitor
The RestrainedThe Restrained

To maximize Ellen’s icy onslaught, equip her with the limited Deep Sea Visitor W Engine. This S-rank equipment boosts Ellen’s attack by 20% and grants a substantial 27% crit rate increase for 6 seconds after inflicting Freeze on an enemy.

Alternatively, the Restrained W Engine designed for Lycaon also synergizes well with Ellen, offering a 25% ice damage bonus and bonus damage plus Daze on ice-enhanced basic attacks.

Best Drive Discs for Ellen Joe in ZZZ

Ellen Joe Drive Discs ZZZ

To optimize Ellen Joe, you have three options to choose for her Drive Discs:

Drive DiscsImage
Woodpecker ElectroWoodpecker Electro
Puffer EletroPuffer Electro
Polar MetalPolar Metal

The combo of 4-piece set of. Woodpecker Electro and 2-piece Polar Metal focus on stacking crit rate and damage to maximize and synergize perfectly with Deep Sea Visitor’s crit buff.

Meanwhile, when you combine 4-piece Polar Metal set with 2-piece Puffer Electro Drive Disc, your ice damage can increase and the resistance will shred for tankier targets.

Ellen Joe’s Kit and Skills

Ellen Joe's Kit and Skill

Ellen’s kit offers incredible flexibility and damage output for those who can master her intricate mechanics. Here are three key abilities to focus on:

Flash Freeze TrimmingConsume Flash Freeze charges for rapid ice slashes.
Arctic Ambush Dash AttackCharge up for a massive ice slash that always Shatters frozen targets.
Tail Swipe into SharknamiUnleash a devastating two-part attack for monstrous AOE ice damage.

Best Team for Ellen Joe in ZZZ

Best Team for Ellen Joe in Zenless Zone Zero
Ellen JoeLycaonSoukaku
Ellen JoeVon LycaonSoukaku

Ellen Joe excels when teamed with one or two other ice-wielding Agents, especially from Victoria Housekeeping Co. Pair her with Lycaon and Soukaku to activate her “Rising Storm” passive, boosting ice damage, especially against stunned targets.


  • What makes Ellen Joe special compared to other ice DPS?
    • Ellen’s unique Roaming state and Flash Freeze mechanics grant her unparalleled mobility and burst damage potential.
  • Is Ellen Joe difficult to play effectively in Zenless Zone Zero?
    • While Ellen boasts a high skill ceiling due to her intricate kit, she’s also quite forgiving thanks to the safety of her Roaming state. Practice managing her Flash Freeze charges and timing charged attacks for maximum damage output.
  • Should I pull for Ellen Joe or wait for future S-ranks?
    • As the first limited S-rank character, Ellen Joe is absolutely worth pulling for, especially if you enjoy fast-paced, mobile gameplay. However, always save enough resources to pity limited characters in case luck isn’t on your side.

Our Zenless Zone Zero characters’ best builds:

Anby | Lycaon | Soldier 11

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.