In the challenging world of Helldivers 2, tanks pose a formidable threat. These heavily armored vehicles launch a relentless stream of gunfire, making them difficult to approach. However, with the right strategies and loadouts, players can stop these Automaton behemoths in their tracks. This guide will provide combat tips on how to defeat tanks in Helldivers 2.
Tanks can be encountered in Automaton missions from Medium difficulty all the way up to Helldive. To find an Automaton mission, players need to go to the left side of the Galactic War map and choose a red colored operation. These tanks can be found protecting facilities or roaming around the maps.
One aspect that you cannot forget is to have the best settings to boost your FPS while charging into the land of Automatons.
Stratagems are more effective than regular weapons against tanks. Players should call in Support Weapons like the Railgun, Autocannon, Spear, or Grenade Launcher.
For close-range combat, shields such as the Ballistic Shield Backpack, Shield Generator Pack, and Shield Generator Relay can be useful.
Against Annihilator Tanks, which lack a weak spot, players should aim directly at the tank with their stratagems. However, Shredder variants have a weak spot – the glowing red vent at the back – which should be targeted.
Recommended stratagems include the Orbital Railcannon, Eagle 500KG Bomb, Orbital Laser, and powerful Sentries like a Mortar or Autocannon Sentry. These deliver explosive power and can lock onto targets if upgraded.
As for Stratagem weapons, the Railgun is the perfect choice to defeat tanks. The Grenade Launcher and Expendable Anti-Tank are also effective, especially at lower levels.
Those are the best stratagems to use in the current version of Helldivers 2. We’ll make sure to update this guide if there are new stratagems in the next update and patch notes.
With the right tactics and loadouts, players can overcome the hardest challenge posed by tanks or Bile Titans in Helldivers 2.
Whether facing Annihilator or Shredder variants, using cover, coordinating with teammates, and unleashing a barrage of powerful stratagems like the Spear, Orbital Barrage, and Sentry guns, players can stop these armored behemoths in their tracks.
By mastering the art of Automaton combat, players can easily defeat tanks in Helldivers 2.