How to Recruit Villagers in ASKA: Growing Your Population Guide

Shida |  Published: June 25, 2024

This detailed article will show you how to recruit villagers in ASKA and guide you through the steps to grow your population in the game.

In ASKA, building a thriving Viking settlement is crucial for success, and recruiting villagers is key to achieving this goal without spending countless hours on manual labor. By enlisting the help of NPC villagers, you can streamline your efforts and focus on exploration and combat.

This guide will walk you through the process of recruiting villagers and growing the population in ASKA. Check it out!

How to Recruit Villagers in ASKA

The first step in recruiting villagers is building The Eye of Odin, a magical lighthouse that guides stray Vikings to the settlement. This beacon requires several specific materials and tools, which can be gathered from the surrounding environment:

MaterialsIconHow to Get
Long Sticks x2Long Sticks ASKAChopping down trees
Sticks x8Sticks ASKAPicked up or chopped from long sticks
Small Stones x5Small Stones ASKAFound on the ground or by breaking bigger rocks
Large Stones x2Large Stone ASKABreaking large rock formations

Various tools are also needed to acquire these resources and construct The Eye of Odin. These are the tools you need:

Stone PickaxeStone Pickaxe ASKAStick x1
Stone Blades x2
Rope x1
Stone AxeStone Axe ASKAStick x1
Stone Blade x1
Rope x1
Wooden HammerWood Hammer ASKASticks x2
Wooden HoeWood Hoe ASKASticks x4
Stone Blades x2

How to Get Jotun Blood in ASKA to Recruit Villagers

How to Get Jotun Blood in ASKA
Sand Sailor Studio

Once The Eye of Odin is built, you must collect Jotun Blood to power it. Jotun Blood Shards are rocks with glowing blue patterns that can be mined using a stone pickaxe. However, players should be prepared to craft multiple pickaxes as they break easily and Jotun Blood is harder to find than regular stones.

With The Eye of Odin constructed, you then must collect 5 pieces of Jotun Blood from glowing blue rocks to power it. A stone pickaxe is used to mine them, though it has low durability. You should be prepared to craft multiple pickaxes as they break easily and Jotun Blood is harder to find than regular stones.

Once the blood is placed in The Eye of Odin and it’s activated, a new villager will arrive after about 10 minutes of in-game time.

How to Choose a Villager in ASKA

How to Choose a Villager in ASKA
Sand Sailor Studio

Upon activating The Eye of Odin, you will be presented with a villager selection screen where you can choose the type of villager you want to recruit based on your settlement’s needs.

Options include builders, warriors, explorers, hunters, and fishers. It’s essential to consider the current requirements of the village when making this decision.

Meeting Villagers’ Needs in ASKA

How to Keep Villagers Happy in ASKA
Sand Sailor Studio

As the population grows, it’s crucial to meet the villagers’ needs to keep them happy and productive. You must provide:

  • Housing – Build shelters or beds for villagers to sleep and live in.
  • Food and Water – Ensure a steady supply of food and water through foraging, farming, and building rain collectors or water wells.
  • Rest – Adjust villagers’ schedules to allow for adequate rest periods.
  • Warmth – Maintain campfires throughout the winter season to prevent villagers from freezing.

In conclusion, recruiting villagers in ASKA is key to building a strong Viking settlement. Build The Eye of Odin, collect Jotun Blood, and choose villagers based on what your settlement needs. Take care of the villagers and consider their skills when assigning jobs to create a successful and happy community!

Make sure to check out our ASKA guides to help you survive in the Viking-themed world:

ASKA: Fishing Guide for Beginners | ASKA: Farming Guide for Beginners | Is ASKA Better than Valheim? An Honest Comparison | How To Get Fiber In ASKA | ASKA: All Crafting Recipes Lists | ASKA: All Early Resources And How To Get Them

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.