All Classes in Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 Explained

Shida |  Published: September 09, 2024

Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2 gives players a variety of classes to choose from when fighting Chaos and alien enemies. Each class has its own abilities and weapons, offering different ways to play and strategies to use. This article takes a closer look at the six classes, explaining their strengths and special skills.

Tactical Class

Tactical Class Warhammer 40K
Relic Entertainment

The Tactical class is the core of any Space Marine team. Equipped with a variety of primary weapons, these soldiers are highly adaptable. Their Auspex Scan ability marks enemies, making them easier to damage. This flexibility lets Tactical Marines fight well at different ranges.

Weapon TypeDetails
PrimaryAuto Bolt Rifle, Bolt Rifle, Heavy Bolt Rifle, Stalker Bolt Rifle, Bolt Carbine, Plasma Incinerator, Melta Rifle
SecondaryBolt Pistol
Class AbilityAuspex Scan
Armor Class3 Armor bars

Tactical Marines can also handle close combat with the Bolt Pistol and Chainsword. Their balanced skills make them a great choice for players who like switching between different fighting styles.

Assault Class

Assault Class Warhammer 40K
Relic Entertainment

If you like to play close combat, the Assault class is unmatched in melee fighting. These warriors give up primary weapons for powerful short-range attacks. Their Jump Pack ability provides great mobility, letting them quickly move around and deliver strong slam attacks.

Weapon TypeDetails
SecondaryBolt Pistol, Heavy Bolt Pistol
MeleeChainsword, Thunder Hammer, Power Fist
Class AbilityJump Pack
Armor Class3 Armor bars

Armed with either a Bolt Pistol or Heavy Bolt Pistol for ranged support, Assault Marines are great at quickly closing gaps and causing chaos in enemy lines.

Vanguard Class

Vanguard Class Warhammer 40K
Relic Entertainment

The Vanguard class balances ranged and melee combat, giving them a special advantage. These Space Marines focus on precise attacks and fast movement.

Weapon TypeDetails
PrimaryInstigator Bolt Carbine, Occulus Bolt Carbine, Melta Rifle
SecondaryBolt Pistol
MeleeCombat Knife, Chainsword
Class AbilityGrapnel Launcher
Armor Class2 Armor bars

Vanguard Marines lighter armor is balanced by their higher mobility, making them great for quick attacks and fast escapes.

Bulwark Class

Bulwark Class Warhammer 40K
Relic Entertainment

For pure defense in battles, the Bulwark class is the best option for you. These heavily armored warriors give up primary weapons for a huge shield. This lets them take a lot of damage while still dealing damage to enemies.

Weapon TypeDetails
PrimaryNone (carries a shield)
SecondaryBolt Pistol, Plasma Pistol
MeleeChainsword, Power Fist, Power Sword
Class AbilityChapter Banner
Armor Class3 Armor bars

Their Chapter Banner ability creates a zone that restores armor for nearby allies, making Bulwark Marines the best choice in long battles. They are great at holding key positions and protecting teammates who are at risk.

Sniper Class

Sniper Class Warhammer 40K
Relic Entertainment

If you prefer to be on the back and you like to take out enemies from a distance, the Sniper class is perfect. These Space Marines focus on long-range weapons and stealth. Their Camo Cloak ability makes them invisible, giving them a big tactical edge.

Weapon TypeDetails
PrimaryStalker Bolt Rifle, Bolt Sniper Rifle, Bolt Carbine, Las Fusil
SecondaryBolt Pistol
MeleeCombat Knife
Class AbilityCamo Cloak
Armor Class2 Armor bars

Although they have less armor for more mobility, Sniper Marines can control the battlefield by taking out important targets before they become a problem. Their Combat Knife is useful as a backup in close combat.

Heavy Class

Heavy Class Warhammer 40K
Relic Entertainment

When you need the most firepower in battles, the Heavy class is the best. These Space Marines use powerful heavy weapons that can suppress large groups of enemies. Their Iron Halo ability creates a shield, letting them keep firing even under heavy attack.

Weapon TypeDetails
PrimaryHeavy Bolter, Heavy Plasma Incinerator, Multi-Melta
SecondaryBolt Pistol, Plasma Pistol
MeleeNone (can beat enemies with primary weapon)
Class AbilityIron Halo
Armor Class3 Armor bars

Although Heavy Marines don’t have specific melee weapons, they can use their big guns to hit enemies up close. Their main role is to cause massive damage to the Emperor’s enemies.

Knowing these classes and their special abilities is key to doing well in Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2. Whether you’re fighting up close with a Chainsword or attacking from a distance with a Heavy Bolter, the Sons of the Emperor are ready to defeat mankind’s enemies. Good luck guys!

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.