The First Descendant is dropping its new update, Hotfix 1.1.2, on September 12th, 2024, at 06:00 PDT. This patch brings fixes and improvements for Steam, Xbox, and PlayStation players, making the game smoother across all platforms.
The First Descendant Hotfix 1.1.2 Patch Notes
The First Descendant Hotfix 1.1.2 was applied maintenance-free on Thursday, September 12th, 2024, at 06:00 PDT. Here is the breakdown of the update:
Content Improvements
These improvements aim to create a more balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience.
Removed certain Dungeon Penalties that appear in the Invasion.
When using a General Round Weapon, Bullet Cost +1
When using an Impact Round Weapon, Bullet Cost +1
When using a Special Round Weapon, Bullet Cost +1
When using a High-Power Round Weapon, Bullet Cost +1
When using Roll, Firearm ATK -3.6% (up to 10 stacks)
When using Grappling Hook, Skill Power -43.6% (30s duration)
When using Skill, Movement Speed -50% (30s duration)
When aiming, Incoming Damage Modifier +2.7%
HP Orbs that appear in Intercept Battles now recover 25% of Max HP instead of 20%.
MP Orbs that appear in Intercept Battles now recover 16% of Max MP instead of 13%.
Lowered the difficulty of Normal/Hard ‘Dead Bride.’
Decreased the frequency of ‘Teleport’ while Frenzied.
Decreased the range of ‘Snow Storm (the veil consisting of Chill)’ and reduced the damage.
Decreased the Part HP of the Amplifier.
Lowered the difficulty of Normal ‘Hanged Man.’
Greatly reduced the Part HP of the ‘Charger (the object inside the mouth that attacks while Frenzied).’
Greatly reduced the damage of ‘Thunder Wave (the wave of thunder emanating from the center).’
Greatly reduced the damage of ‘Charging Laser (the laser fired from the mouth when you fail to destroy the Charger).’
Decreased the damage of the Thunderbolt skill that occurs while Frenzied.
Decreased the duration of the ‘Electric Cannon (the electric sphere).’
Lowered the difficulty of the ‘Deception Transmitter (Defense)’ mission at the ‘Sterile Land: Rockfall.’
Knockdown damage will not occur in a row when damaged by traps.
Made monsters spawn faster in the Extermination Mission of the Hard Infiltration Operation ‘Echo Swamp: Seed Vault,’ and lowered the required amount for the Collection Mission.
The Data Collection Mission of the Hard Infiltration Operation ‘Hagios: The Old Mystery’ has been changed to a Traversal Mission.
In the Invasion: Legion of Immortality, the maximum distance for feeding Artificial Brains to the Quantum Computing Unit has been changed from 2m to 3.5m.
Added sniper monsters to the ‘Fortress: Defense Line” Void Fragment mission to prevent simple macros.
The ESC menu can now be activated during the DBNO state.
Changed the Aim Assist settings for controllers.
The default value is now 50 instead of 80.
The maximum Aim Assist range for every weapon except Sniper Rifles has been changed to 100m.
Aim Assist now reactivates faster when targeting multiple enemies in a row.
The minimum distance for Camera Auto Rotate to trigger has been changed to 4m or above.
Weakened the pull strength of crosshair towards the center of an enemy.
Decreased the duration of Aim Assist when trying to target another monster.
Ultimate Weapon
Improved the base performance and unique ability of the Ultimate Weapon ‘Wave of Light (Scout Rifle).’
Decreased the recoil of ‘Solar Halo’ while increasing the ‘Firearm Critical Hit Rate.’ Increased the ‘Duration’ of the effect depending on the enhancement level.
Hitting enemies while ‘Solar Halo’ is active now creates ‘Dusk,’ inflicting ‘Lunar Halo’ to enemies within the range.
‘Firearm ATK’ increases on hitting enemies inflicted with ‘Lunar Halo.’
Improved the base performance and unique ability of the Ultimate Weapon ‘King’s Guard Lance (Beam Rifle).’
Increased the ‘Base Fire Rate’ of King’s Guard Lance while decreasing the base time it takes to charge.
You can now place up to three ‘Guardian Lances,’ and the Lances automatically attack enemies within the ‘DMG Range’ when placed.
The ‘Damage Interval’ of the ‘Guardian Lance’ is now affected by the ‘Fire Rate’ of King’s Guard Lance.
Increased the ‘Duration’ of the ‘Guardian Lance’ depending on the enhancement level.
Increased the ‘Duration Increase Upon Hit’ and ‘DMG Range’ of the ‘Guardian Lance,’ with the maximum possible increase in range being limited.
Improved the base performance and unique ability of the Ultimate Weapon ‘Executor (Shotgun).’
Increased the base ‘Hip Fire Accuracy’ and ‘Aimed Shot Accuracy’ of ‘Executor.’
When the ‘Executor’s Exaltation’ effect is active, failing to hit all fired bullets will no longer decrease the amount of stacks.
Decreased the maximum stacks of the ‘Executor’s Exaltation’ effect, and firing the gun at maximum stacks will no longer disable the ability.
Increased ‘Accuracy’ and ‘Firearm Critical Hit Rate’ based on the adjusted maximum stacks of the ‘Executor’s Exaltation’ effect. ‘Firearm Critical Hit Damage’ and ‘Fire Rate’ are also increased now.
The ‘Executor’s Exaltation’ effect at maximum stacks now increases ‘Weak Point Damage’ instead of ‘Firearm ATK.’
‘Firearm ATK’ is no longer increased when hitting enemies inflicted with ‘Electrocution.’
Improved the base performance and unique ability of the Ultimate Weapon ‘Peace Maker (Hand Cannon).’
The ‘Single Reload for Peace’ effect is now also granted when using a ‘Fusion’ skill.
The ‘Skill Cost’ of the ‘Single Reload for Peace’ effect now decreases depending on the enhancement level.
Increased the ‘Non-Attribute Skill Power per Stack’ of the ‘Single Reload for Peace’ effect.
Improved the base performance and unique ability of the Ultimate Weapon ‘EXCAVA (Assault Rifle).’
Decreased the maximum stacks of ‘Voltage Charge’ depending on the enhancement level in order to grant the ‘Energy Grenade’ effect more quickly.
Increased Additional Damage for shooting while aiming when the ‘Energy Grenade’ effect is active depending on the enhancement level.
Slightly increased the projectile size of the ‘Energy Grenade.’
Increased the Electric Resistance Decrease of the ‘Voltage Accumulation’ effect depending on the enhancement level.
The ‘Filter all as junk’ function has been retooled to ‘Bulk Exclude Junk Filter.’
Now it functions by specifying conditions for which ones to not designate as junk.
‘Option Filter’ now allows you to choose whether the items are excluded if they meet only one specified condition, or more than two.
With this change, the current settings for ‘Filter all as junk’ will be reset, so please make sure to check your ‘Exclude from junk’ settings before you dismantle items.
For weapons, ‘Ultimate or Higher’, ‘Level 1 or Higher’ must be set to exclude level 1 ultimate weapons from Junk. Once set, all level 100 Rare Tier weapon will be selected as junk. As the Filter option has been changed from select to exclude, make sure you check your ‘Exclude from junk’ settings before you dismantle items.
Made improvements so that players can move between Inventory and Map more easily.
Pressing the Map (M) button in an Inventory menu (Inventory, Descendants, Customize, Consumables, Battle Pass, Shop) allows you to enter the Map screen.
Pressing the Inventory (I) button in a Map menu (Map, Library, Journal, Quest, Social) allows you to enter the Inventory screen.
You can now bind hotkeys for the Library, Consumables, Journal, Social, Battle Pass, and Shop menus in Game Options.
You can now immediately choose a selectable reward before you begin Hard Infiltration Operations.
The Weapons List in Customize now displays the status of skins for each weapon.
At the Library, the items obtained from Research are also displayed in the acquisition info. You can also check tooltips for Amorphous Materials now.
‘Change Firing Mode’ in the gameplay settings is now enabled by default.
Bug Fixes
As with any update, Hotfix 1.1.2 addresses several bugs in the game. Issues with UI elements, quest completion, and specific Descendant abilities have been resolved. The development team has also fixed problems related to certain missions and ultimate weapons.
Fixed an issue where it automatically switched to the Tracked Items tab upon entering the Research screen if there are completed or in-progress Research Items.
Fixed an issue where the Usage Information button is not displayed for the tooltips of certain common skins.
Fixed an issue where entering a private battlefield as a party and leaving the party could turn the battlefield to public. Now you are sent to Albion the moment you leave your party on a private battlefield.
Fixed an issue where trying to equip a Module when the Socket Type is changed could incorrectly display accumulated applied values.
Descendants & Ultimate Weapons
Fixed an issue where the effect remains if Ajax’s Barrier is immediately destroyed at the time it is created
When Hailey uses the ‘Zenith’ skill, it is now affected by the ‘Movement Speed’ of her current weapon rather than her Unique Weapon. This allows the ‘Arche Pacemaker’ effect of the Inversion Reinforcement to be properly applied.
If the Max HP of an ally healed by Yujin is less than 1, the amount of recovery is now calculated based on the target’s ‘Max Energy Shield.’
Fixed an issue where ‘King’s Guard Lance’ blocked enemy projectiles.
Fixed an issue where the “Collect Ironheart Particles” quest was not being completed despite being carried out.
After the hotfix patch, the reward will be automatically applied upon re-login.
Fixed an issue in the Invasion: Order of Truth mission where interacting with a drone before starting the battle with a Named Monster could complete the mission.
Fixed an issue in the Invasion: Legion of Immortality mission where dying during the battle against a Named Monster could cause certain UI to not properly show up.
Fixed an issue in the Agna Desert: The Asylum (Normal) Infiltration Operation where dying during the battle against a Named Monster could cause the door to not open.
The First Descendant keeps improving with player feedback and data. This hotfix shows the devs are focused on making the game balanced, fun, and bug-free. Expect more updates that fine-tune the game as it grows!
Scarlet is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and Fields of Mistria.