All Adam Outfits in Stellar Blade and How to Get Them

Shida |  Published: May 05, 2024

This guide will show you all the outfits available for Adam in Stellar Blade, and walk you through the process of getting all of Adam’s outfits.

In Stellar Blade, not only players get the chance to customize Eve’s outfits, but also her trusted companion Adam. While Adam’s outfit selection may be more limited compared to Eve’s extensive wardrobe, each attire adds a unique flair to his character.

This guide will walk you through the process of obtaining all of Adam’s outfits, ensuring that he looks his best as he assists Eve in her thrilling adventures.

All Adam Outfits in Stellar Blade and How to Get Them

Adam’s OutfitsImageLocation
Sewer RatSewer Rat Adam's OutfitDefault
Stargazer WearStargazer Wear Adam's OutfitXion
JunkmanJunkman Adam's OutfitWasteland
ChameleonChameleon Adam's OutfitMatrix 11
NighthawkNighthawk Adam's OutfitMatrix 11

Sewer Rat: The Default Look

Adam’s default outfit, the Sewer Rat, is automatically equipped from the start of the game. There’s no need to unlock this utilitarian ensemble, as it serves as his standard look throughout the journey.

Stargazer Wear: A Digital Deluxe Exclusive

All Adam Outfits in Stellar Blade - Stargazer Wear
Shift Up Corp

For players who purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition of Stellar Blade, the Stargazer Wear will be available. To claim this stylish outfit, simply locate the box containing all pre-orders and digital deluxe cosmetics near the starting point in Xion.

Junkman: Climbing and Jumping for Fashion

All Adam Outfits in Stellar Blade - Junkman
Shift Up Corp

To unlock Adam’s rugged Junkman outfit, you must venture into the Wasteland area. It’s highly recommended to have the Double Jump ability before attempting to obtain this attire, as it requires navigating some challenging terrain.

Near the designated point on the map, locate the ledges that lead to a series of poles and branches. Go through this this area making use of the Double Jump ability to safely cross the lengthy gaps between the poles. At the end of this path, you’ll find a chest containing the Junkman outfit.

Chameleon: A Hidden Gem in Matrix 11

All Adam Outfits in Stellar Blade - Chameleon
Shift Up Corp

The Chameleon attire, can be found in the Matrix 11 section of the game. After progressing beyond the Collapsed Rail Bridge, players will need to fight off various enemies, including the Naytiba, to reach the top of the area.

Once there, look for a Naytiba blocking the path into a train car. Defeat this enemy and then locate a green train car off to the side. Inside, you’ll discover a treasure chest containing the Chameleon outfit.

NG+ Color Variant: Nighthawk

All Adam Outfits in Stellar Blade - Nighthawk
Shift Up Corp

For players who have completed the game and started a New Game Plus mode, an additional color variant of Adam’s Chameleon outfit becomes available:

  • Nighthawk: A variant of the Chameleon outfit, obtained in the same location as the original in Matrix 11.

This color variant adds an extra layer of customization for Adam, allowing you to further personalize his appearance.

While Adam’s outfit selection may be more limited compared to Eve’s extensive wardrobe, each attire adds a unique charm to his character.

By following this guide and overcoming the challenges required to obtain these outfits, you will make Adam looks his best as he supports Eve in their thrilling adventures through the world of Stellar Blade.

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.